When communicating with people outside of Vlogr, be that directly, through a newsletter, or in our apps and websites, do your best to use the tone and style of Vlogr. Below are some guidelines, but when in doubt ask your manager.

  1. We typically keep an informal tone
  2. Always be proactive:
    1. Make it clear what you are asking for, e.g. by using numbers
    2. If you need to schedule a meeting, propose specific times that work for the person's timezone. Secondarily to that, offer a Calendly or alternative solution that allows the person to schedule something if one of the proposed times doesn't work for them.
    3. Repeating a key question or action as the greeting is a good idea, e.g. "I look forward to seeing the documents and hearing about your preference regarding X"
  3. Vlogr is not a family. We take pride in prioritizing actual family over work. Let's not blur that line. See also our Value
  4. It's okay to use emojis in emails
    1. In email: only include people that are necessary for next steps, proactively move people to BCC when they're no longer necessary for the rest of the conversation. Take note of it in your email "Moving Job to BCC"
  5. Be concise and clear, but not at the cost of coming across rude or robotic. This is a super fine line to walk, but one of the best ways to overcome it is by e.g. numbering key points or questions. Signing off in a personal manner is a great way to come across as less robotic. Job always signs his emails with his location and the weather, but anything goes.
  6. If you need to communicate information about Vlogr that is not publicly available, we would ask that you use an NDA.