

Negative feedback is 1-1


Write promises down



We do the MVC(Minimum Viable Change), and get it out quickly for feedback. This thing may be additive (adding something) or subtractive (removing something). Don't write a large plan; only write the first step. Trust that you'll know better how to proceed after something is released.

Set a due date

We always try to set a due date. If needed, we cut scope. If we have something planned for a specific date, we make that date.

Don't wait

Don’t wait. When you have something of value like a potential blog post or a small fix, implement it straight away. Right now, everything is fresh in your head and you have the motivation. Inspiration is perishable. Don’t wait until you have a better version. Don’t wait until you record a better video. Don’t wait for an event (like Contribute). Inventory that isn’t released is a liability since it has to be managed, becomes outdated, and you miss out on the feedback you would have received had you implemented it straight away.