Honest Communication

Fast Pace, High Growth Environment

Vlogr is a high-growth company. That means there always is a lot of work, and often a lot of pressure through customers, launches, or just excitement for building the next big thing.

We Do our Best and Work Together

Everyone at Vlogr is hired to do the best job of their lives. Most people tend to work hard and with intensity. It's important that we all do our best to balance work between our colleagues. Extreme flexibility is great, but not when it's to the detriment of your colleagues. If you find that you're doing significantly more or less work than your direct colleagues, speak with your manager. It's possible that adjustments have to be made to rebalance work (e.g. through processes, or hiring).

We Grow Together and Support One Another

Vlogr is growing fast. At this pace, the company undergoes a massive change every 12 to 18 months. We want our employees to grow with us. More importantly, we support each other's development and success. We respect the past, but we're always moving forward together. This means:

Work-Life Balance

Family and friends first, work second